I read a recent piece by some San Francisco tech guy in which he presents a mathematical equation that compares the attractiveness of San Francisco women to that of San Francisco men, and seeks to plot, also mathematically, why women pay him and others like him no attention in bars. His conclusion seems to be that because there are more men, unhot women get to hook up with hot men, like himself, even if the women’s attractiveness quotient doesn’t come close to the hot men’s.
Problematically, from a scientific standpoint, he never defines attractiveness. That aside, my reaction, after, “I’m sending this to Jackson to see if the math is correct,” was to lament the fact that when so many brilliant, beautiful, and interesting women hit the sell-by date of 50 (tops) so many men suddenly decide their own hotness is best appreciated by much younger women.
Next, following my natural scientific bent and exercising my keen reportorial skills, I Googled “older men dating younger women bay area.” What popped up were paid sites like EstablishedMen.com, whose tagline reads, in part, “The Only Site With A 6:1 Girl Ratio,” and Craigslist ads like “Any young girl (of legal age) that likes to be seduced and used?” I immediately closed my browser window and slammed my laptop shut.
Like that’s going to help. I am really looking forward to the ads that are going to start popping up on my Facebook feed and in other corners of my internet world. I think I will Google prostate massagers next.